Friday 18 September 2015

Magazine Front Cover Draft

Draft Magazine Front Cover - 
The image depicted below is the most recent draft magazine cover that bears no relation to the finished product.

I am not content with the overall appearance of this image and if I was to re-design this magazine layout the composition and many other factors would be changed. For example, my chosen background did not serve suitably to place any coloured typography and text over it, the masthead would be placed behind the image to appear more like a realistic magazine, I would incorporate more features for the pug such as free posters, my work does not feature either a top or bottom strip.

A few features that do work well include the off centre main image and the red typography of the title on a reasonably blank top section of the background image.

However, as a draft I believe this is a good starting point as I now have knowledge of magazine layout and how to use photoshop which will help with designing the final magazine composition. I also have more in depth knowledge of the features of a magazine to improve how realistic the cover looks. 

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