Friday 25 September 2015

Magazine The Making of a Magazine Cover

The Stages of Making a Magazine Cover Using Photoshop -
The  image used to make the magazine cover was taken using a Canon EOS 450D with the setting on fully manual I then edited it using Photoshop CC 2014. The specific settings are as follows allowing for the fact that the image was taken in a studio using flash lights:
F-Stop : 16
ISO : 200 to 400
Shutter Speed : 1/125

This image is the base ,or as photoshop calls it the background layer, and this is what I used to form the basis of my magazine.

Secondly, using the 'Horizontal Type Tool'  I inserted a text box where the masthead would go and typed my desired title. Using the 'Toggle the Character and Paragraph Panels' tool I adjusted the height of my text making it appear more like a masthead of a magazine. However, the text was over the person in my image and I wanted to fix this.

To place the masthead behind my cover girl I had to use some specific photoshop tools. I began by using the 'Quick Selection Tool' to select my model, I then went up to the top bar and clicked 'Select' and chose 'Inverse'. Then I went down to the bottom left colour selection panel and chose black. The next step involved selecting the 'Brush Tool' to paint the black over the section of the masthead which I wanted to be behind the image.

Afterwards, I inserted a selling line/ strap line underneath the title. I did this by using the 'Horizontal Type Tool' and making two text boxes, one either side of my models head, so that the image would not become obscured. 

Next it came to adding the PUG in the left third. The PUG includes the barcode, price and issue number above the barcode. The text was inserted again using the 'Horizontal Type Tool' whilst the I simply dragged the barcode ,as it's own layer, over the background layer image. 

Finally I added my only cover line by again simply using the 'Horizontal Type Tool'. However, I did use two text boxes so that I could change the composition of the writing rather than having just one long line of text. This is my finished music magazine cover.

Magazine 'KERRANG' Inspired Magazine Cover Analysis -

'Kerrang' Inspired Magazine Cover -

This cover depicts the chaotic ideas of 'Kerrang' music magazine with a skyline, multiple cover lines (mostly placed in the left third) and a central main image. Therefore I have complied to Kerrang's layout conventions.

I created this final image using a Canon EOS 450D and editing it in Photoshop CC 2014. To get to this final image I used a variety of simple and more difficult techniques from cropping and layering to  masking.

The only semiotics featured in my magazine are the masks worn by the 'band members'. I used the masks to attract reader attention and to link to the band name of 'The Bandits'. The connotation of wearing masks and black clothing suggests that the band are mysterious; however the black clothing is also an iconic symbol and wardrobe staple of Indie, rock and metal musicians which again links to the theme of my magazine being an Indie Rock magazine. The denotation of having the three people on the cover of a music magazine explicitly informs the reader that they are a band and therefore the music the audience are likely to hear from them is most likely going to be rock, indie or metal.

Friday 18 September 2015

Magazine Analysis and Research 'INDIE'

Magazine Analysis and Research - 

The colours and composition used in this magazine may suggest that the magazine is edgy and the use of the lexicon 'Independent Style' suggests that it is quirky and that the target audience may be those with very different style.

Magazine Analysis and Research 'KERRANG'

Magazine Analysis and Research -

Magazine Front Cover Draft

Draft Magazine Front Cover - 
The image depicted below is the most recent draft magazine cover that bears no relation to the finished product.

I am not content with the overall appearance of this image and if I was to re-design this magazine layout the composition and many other factors would be changed. For example, my chosen background did not serve suitably to place any coloured typography and text over it, the masthead would be placed behind the image to appear more like a realistic magazine, I would incorporate more features for the pug such as free posters, my work does not feature either a top or bottom strip.

A few features that do work well include the off centre main image and the red typography of the title on a reasonably blank top section of the background image.

However, as a draft I believe this is a good starting point as I now have knowledge of magazine layout and how to use photoshop which will help with designing the final magazine composition. I also have more in depth knowledge of the features of a magazine to improve how realistic the cover looks. 

Magazine Layout

Main Features of Magazine Layout - 

Masthead: This is the title of the magazine that is usually the magazines name to attract pre-existing customers.

Tag: A phrase or singular word that is used to attract viewer attention such as “exclusive”.

Typography: The font used.

Strap Line/ Selling Line: The introductory headline that describes the magazine.

Main Image: Often shows the image or people directly associated with the magazines main feature/article.

Pug: Corners of the magazine that may depict a feature like barcode, price or promotional offers such as free gift or posters.

Cover Lines: A short statement found on the magazine cover that is used to give an idea about the articles contained within the magazine.

Left Third: The left third contains the magazines main articles that gives an insight into the core subject of the magazine.

Top and Bottom Strip: The thin strips at the top and bottom of the magazine to give an idea of the magazines contents.