Friday 15 January 2016

Main Task Script -

Main Task: The Three

[Introduction: True North Productions]

A black screen… Jump cut to a dark room filled with various silhouettes of objects. Screen distortion cut to a hand tracing the red string of a map as they pull on the string making it vibrate. They walk over to a worktop and place a scalpel on the table next to a newspaper with the directors’ name on. Jump cut with solarisation as the hand opens a fridge containing bottles with a variety of liquids in; the editors name is on one of the bottles. Jump cut as the hand of the killer writes a note in their journal concerning the date and preparation for the murder of number ‘three’; upon closing the notebook it says camerawork by… Jump cut with solarisation as the killer walks over to a wall with two polaroid pictures on, the faces are scratched out in the pictures, and beneath each is the newspaper headline of they day they were noted missing whilst a seal lock bag hangs with a lock of hair from each victim… There is an empty slot for the third victim. Jump Cut with screen distortion as the murderer returns to the table and cuts their index finger until it bleeds enough to leave a bloody fingerprint on the empty polaroid picture. Jump cut to the arms of the two victims’ bodies spelling out the title “The Three”.

(Creepy jumpy crescendo music plays in the background)


  • Fingerprints
  • Doll
  • Builds tension
  • Add more sound descriptions (add tension)
  • Consider practicality
  • Use a fan for the slow motion turning picture with title

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