Friday 22 January 2016

Film Ideas -

Main Task Script -

Morgan Redman 

Main Task: The Three

[Introduction: True North Productions]

A black screen… Jump cut to a dark room filled with various silhouettes of objects. Screen distortion cut to a hand tracing the red string of a map as they pull on the string making it vibrate. They walk over to a worktop and place a scalpel on the table next to a newspaper with the directors’ name on. Jump cut with solarisation as the hand opens a fridge containing bottles with a variety of liquids in; the editors name is on one of the bottles. Jump cut as the hand of the killer writes a note in their journal concerning the date and preparation for the murder of number ‘three’; upon closing the notebook it says camerawork by… Jump cut with solarisation as the killer walks over to a wall with two polaroid pictures on, the faces are scratched out in the pictures, and beneath each is the newspaper headline of they day they were noted missing whilst a seal lock bag hangs with a lock of hair from each victim… There is an empty slot for the third victim. Jump Cut with screen distortion as the murderer returns to the table and cuts their index finger until it bleeds enough to leave a bloody fingerprint on the empty polaroid picture. Jump cut to the arms of the two victims’ bodies spelling out the title “The Three”. 

(Creepy jumpy crescendo music plays in the background)

Emma Weeks

Creepy music playing in the background throughout the opening.

A black screen. Jump cut to a trail of blood. Tracking shot follows trail of blood across the floor until it rests upon a newspaper headed “Missing” with an image of the first victim there will be another article on the page with the heading “Directed by Morgan Redman”. Jump cut with shaken transition to long shot of a fridge and the work surface (surface should be cluttered and fridge should be covered with newspaper clippings and pictures with a bloodied handprint on the corner as if someone opened it with bloodied hands). Mid shot of the fridge being opened (hand opening fridge out of shot). Close up shot of items in the fridge selection of glass vials and jars fill the fridge tracking shot along the shelves (one jar should have a label reading “Edited by Dylan Koolman”). Jump cut to a shot of a picture pinned to the wall with a red string attached to it (string should be out of focus) pull focus to string then tracking shot along string to piece of note paper reading “starring __________ and ____________” tracking shot along another piece of string to a picture of a girl walking across a path taken from between trees zoom out of the image shakily with interspersed black screen to reveal a sprawling pin board map of pictures of various girls which appear to have been taken inconspicuously. Jump cut across the counter top where their is a collection of broken glass, a hammer and a bloodied scalpel, a picture with the face clawed off and a scrap of paper which reads “Camera work by Emma Weeks”. Jump cut to pictures in a line across the wall with red X’s over them and a memento hanging under each of them a locket, a ring and a watch under each of the images should be a name of one of the actors with less signifiant roles. Jump cut to a row of three arms on the floor with a vertical line cut into each arm (the film title the three).

Dylan Koolman

Eerie music plays in the background, begin with a black screen, a person is seen sitting in a dark room with low key lighting slowly and mechanically brushing the hair of a doll. Slow zoom in to person but focus is on doll. Angle switch to over the shoulder to show hair brushing then cut in to foot of doll, dripping blood. The brush then suddenly gets caught in hair the doll’s hair; triggering major screen distortion then a flash down. Flash up to a bottle on a table at a canted angle then flash down. Flash up to show slow motion fall of an open bottle, flash down. Flash slow motion of dripping liquid off of the table, memento in the background, bottle had a credit written on it, screen distortion, shows broken jar still leaking liquid, then flash down. Music begins to pick up, jump shot to figure walking running hands over table, distortion, picks up picture, overlay of original picture which is solarised distorting across the screen, and after image which now has scratched out faces. Drop of image, slow motion of image falling, dramatic slow to view credit on the back, zoom in to reveal text. Low angle and high angle switches of map on wall with red, pinned, strengthen focus with fast zoom in of map at forward facing angle. Distortion action shot of putting up picture of next victim with a red ‘X’ through the picture and blood dripping down the picture, jump shot to the bottom of the picture of the victim with a credit written on it distortion, music reaches high tension then cut to black and silence. Slow fade up of music and scene to show dirty arms curling up with cuts on them to read “The Three” across the arms. Arms go to full extension but are canted at the wrist or slightly at the elbow. Fade to black.


Main Task:

[Introduction: True North Production]

A black screenJump cut to panning shot of the silhouetted objects within the room. Jump cut to the back of a figure from a long shot, which begins transitioning via a low angle tracking shot. Jump cut to a bloodied newspaper on a worktop with the heading ‘Missing'. Beneath is another article with the credits headed ‘Director Morgan Redman, Assistant Director Emma Weeks’. Tracking shot continues. Jump cut to a journal on the worktop, beneath notes concerning the date and preparation for the murder of number ‘Three’ is the credit of ‘Camera Work Emma Weeks, Assistant Camera Work Dylan Koolman’. Tracking shot continues further. Jump cut and tilt up to another worktop supporting jars of various liquids with the credit ‘Editor Dylan Koolman, Assistant Editor Morgan Redman’, screen distortion, jar which is now broken is leaking liquid over the table. Transition back to tracking shot. Jump cut to a wall with a series of photographs and notes taken on the day all linked with red string. Extreme close up on a pin, pull focus to the red string which the camera then follows to a portrait photograph. Tracking shot concludes finally reaching an over the shoulder shot revealing the memento wall to the audience for the first time. Zoom in to the far left of the Polaroid pictures with the scratched out faces pan across slowly, beneath each picture is the credit ‘Actor Gabby Edwards, Actor Emily Wicker’. Upon reaching the third and final picture, which has scratched out eyes, over lay with solarisation of the original picture that has not been damaged. Jump Cut to the hand of the figure who then cuts into their palm with the scalpel releasing blood; the figure then drops the scalpel and the sound rings out. Using their index finger the figure wipes the blood onto the final, still developing, polaroid picture. The final credit of the ‘actor is revealed’ beneath the bloodied image. Cut to black screen, slow fade up to the arms of the three victims spelling out the title sequence ‘The Three’.



As a group we collated all of the ideas and information from each script that would remain relevant to the final idea regarding serial killers.

We combined the lack of camera techniques in my script and Dylan's with Emma's which had plenty. We also included the vast editing techniques applied in my work and Dylan's.

Therefore, as a group we collected the ideas revolving around directing, camerawork and editing to create a final script that encompassed all of our rolls and provided an idea which we could develop on a low budget. 

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