Friday 27 November 2015

Preliminary Task The McGuffin Script -

Preliminary Task -

The McGuffin – 


In a common industrial site a suspicious looking individual walks across whilst holding a conspicuous briefcase that appears out of the ordinary for the attire of the individual.



CARRIER, scruffy individual, shady appearance, carrying an out of place briefcase.

(On phone) I’m at the meeting place, where are you? (Looks down and sees a bag on the floor)… You want me to put the bag on?..(Puts bag over head)


SUITED MAN, smart appearance, official looking, powerful, appears to be anticipating the arrival of something or someone. 

(Already sat down,Bag off head)

…Do you have it?

Yes… Do you have what we agreed upon? (SUITED MAN passes envelope)
Where’s the rest? This isn’t what we agreed upon!

You’ll get the rest after your next job. That is what we ‘agreed upon’.

I’ll take all of my money now or I’ll walk!

I’m sure your dear mother wouldn’t appreciate that answer. (Sly smile)

(Scowl) Fine. (Places briefcase on the table {pause} slides the briefcase across)

(Checks the contents, approves, slides across second envelope) This is your next assignment; you may leave now.

Wait, I can’t keep doing this, I can’t keep doing these jobs for you.

You don’t have a choice, Kate Fur. (KATE looks distressed)


Mise-En-Scene Continuity Plan -

Continuity - 

Dylan (Actor 1/ Suited Man):
  • Suit jacket
  • Suit trousers
  • Tie
  • Shoes
Emily (Actor 2/ Carrier/ Kate):
  • Green coat
  • Dark blue jeans
  • Black hoody
  • Black military style boots
  • Black briefcase (2)
  • Brown envelope (3)
  • Mobile phone
  • Table
  • Chair (2)
  • Black bag

Friday 20 November 2015

Preliminary Tak Plan Filming and Audio -

Filming and Audio Planning - 

Filming -
A DSLR camera can film as well as take photographs. However, these have limitations such as the quality of the audio especially when the subject in the scene is far away. This can be resolved using a 'Boom Mic' for audio.

DSLR cameras can be used on a variety of rigs from body rigs to dolly's but these all have different advantages and disadvantages.

Audio -
When filming, audio is very important and the quality of the audio is best when using specific equipment such as a 'Boom Mic'.


  • Provides better sound quality
  • Filter out background noise


  • Difficult to use when shooting a wide angle shot
  • Heavy after use for a sustained period
  • Directional and has to be aimed directly at the subject of the noise

Other -
The 'Dolly' can be used to avoid movement of the camera when filming thus creating a smoother image.

The 'Track and Dolly' is very similar to a normal 'Dolly' however this equipment involves the camera resting on two parallel bars and is often used for action cinematography.


  • Ideal when doing tracking or panning shots
  • Ideal for action cinematography
  • Can film steadily whilst filming in most situations
  • Heavy and can sustain weight such as expensive camera equipment


  • Time consuming to set up the equipment and become familiar with it
  • It's expensive
  • Difficult to relocate to another filming location
  • Heavy to carry

Friday 13 November 2015

Glossary -

Glossary -

Textual Analysis-

Mise en Scene - Everything that appears within the scene.

Verisimilitude - Being believable or having the appearance or being true.

Production - Everything in the making of a text / film etc.

Code - A system of signs which can be decoded to create meaning.

Convention - What the audience expects to see in a certain genre.

Continuity - The state of continuing without changes.

McGuffin - An object or device in a form of media that serves only as a trigger for the plot.

Audio - 

Diegetic Sound - A sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film, sounds made by objects in the story or music represented as coming from the instruments in the story.

Non Diegetic Sound - Sound whose source is neither visible  on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action e.g.. narrators commentary, sound effects added for dramatic effect, mode music. Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from a source outside the story space.

Camera - 

Match on Action - Match on action occurs when an action that begins in one shot is continued or completed in the next.

Shot / Reverse Shot - A film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

The 180 Degree Rule - People in the scene must remain on their original side. If the side is switched then the movement of the camera to the second position must be shown. The audience must be re-orientated at the end of the scene as they are a secondary participant.

Editing - 

Jump Cut - When the transition is a sharp cut from one scene/ clip to the next.

Eyeline Match - The perspective of the character is shown so the audience is seeing through the characters eyes.

Preliminary Task Plan (Mind Map and Plot) -

Preliminary Task - 

  • Plot - Morgan Redman, Emma Weeks and Dylan Koolman
  • Story Board with Camera Shots - Morgan Redman
  • Location Scout - Emma Weeks
  • Actor 1 - Dylan Koolman
  • Actor 2 - Emily Wicker
  • Camera Person - Emma Weeks
  • Mic Person - Morgan Redman
  • Director - Morgan Redman
  • Film Editor - Dylan Koolman
  • Make-up Artists - Morgan Redman and Emma Weeks
Plot Ideas Mind Map - 

Plot Idea 1 The McGuffin -
  • Actor 1 opens the door and enters
  • Actor 1 sits opposite Actor 2
  • Actor 1 places a McGuffin on the table between both characters
  • Actor 1 and 2 discuss the importance of the McGuffin
  • Actor 1 exits leaving the McGuffin on the table
  • Blank screen
Plot Idea 2 The Drug Cartel Deal -

  • Actor 1 opens the door and enters
  • Actor 1 sits opposite Actor 2
  • Actor 1 places money on the table between both characters
  • Actor 1 and 2 discuss the importance of the pick-up time
  • Actor 1 and Actor 2 exit
  • Blank screen

Preliminary Hobby Final Work -

Hobby - 

Filming My Hobby Plot -

Plot -

Hobby : Watching Westerns

Shots :
Long Shot (whole body, walking)
Medium Shot (standing still)
Head Shot (zooms in whilst actor is standing still, also featured when actor is sitting)
Extreme Close up (on the eyes, Western inspired)
Feet Shot (walking, typical Western inspired)

Ideas :
Pan shot following the rolling tumbleweed
Stops at feet of the actor
Pans up to extreme close-up shot of eyes
Zooms out to long shot of actor walking
Cut to sitting down
Medium shot whilst sitting
Low angle long-shot whilst talking
Improvised shots during discussion
Close up of feet, pan shot as actor leaves

TV My Favourite Hobby Video -

The Shots -

Long Shot - From bottom of the feet to top of head
Medium Shot - Mid arm to the top of head
Close Up Shot - Head shot

Casting -

Actor - Dylan Koolman
Director - Morgan Redman
Camera Man - Emma Weeks

Plot -
Walking to location (10-15 seconds)
Sit down and discuss hobby (1 minute)

Filming of My Hobbies Mind Map -

Mind Map -