Friday 4 March 2016

Main Task: Prop Making: Killers Journal -

Prop Making -  

This is going to be used to show a diary entry that the killer has made about his killing of his first victim, Poppy Adams, to be played by actress Emily Wicker. Due to the fact that the frame is only going to be shown for a short while, the diary entry has not needed to be completed.

25th January 2015

This has been the killing I had to be most careful about; I had to make sure I left no trace. For the past 3 weeks that I have been watching her, she was always on her own, staying outside of the group with the most amazing choker on her neck I’ve wanted to replace with my hands since the first time I saw her, but I knew I needed to be more careful than that. Her name is Poppy Adams, 17 and perfect to keep as a trophy to mark as my first kill.

She was walking out of the Sixth Form. She lives in a town not too far from the school. Usually she walks with her friends for the first ten minutes of the journey, then they separate at the junction, and she carries on home. She always puts her coat on at this point and pulls out her purple and black-stripped head phones, puts them in her ears and walks flopping her head to the beat of her metal music. Then when she gets to the traffic light she picks at her skirt, burrows her eyebrows and checks her phone waiting for the light to turn red. Then she crosses the road, always left-foot first, and heads down the small slip road with bushes either side in order to get to her road.

So today, she went about her routine as normal, however, her friends were staying behind to finish their class project or something, I don’t know I didn’t really hear very well from where I was, but it presented me with the most glorious opportunity to take her. Everything remained the same as usual, she put her coat on pulled out her purple and black-stripped head phones, put them in her ears and walked flopping her head to the beat of her noticeably loud metal music. She seemed agitated this time though, as if she hadn’t had a good day, which was perfect as I would be the one to put her out of her misery. I followed her, trailing behind far enough so that she wouldn’t suspect a thing but close enough to keep my eyes on her.

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