Friday 2 October 2015

Magazine 'INDIE' Inspired Magazine Cover Analysis -

Magazine Analysis - 

This magazine cover is very simplistic with a specific style inspiration from the fashion and music magazine 'INDIE' which gave my magazine its name. 

The image to text ratio is quite unbalanced with the main image taking centre focus on the cover and the text and typeface of the masthead being the only textual feature demanding automatic viewer attention. The graphology of the typeface begin red and the font being sans serif implies that the magazine is minimalistic but artistic and clean cut.

Furthermore, the main image in itself can be analysed as the main article is about a band but only a singular figure ,the 'lead singer', is featured on the cover. This adds to the simplicity of the cover and also conforms to the conventions of the magazine which inspired my own.

There is no skyline/top line ,or bottom line, on my cover which means that the image is more prominent on the magazine to attract the audiences attention. 

Additionally, there is only one cover line on my magazine cover which is placed in the right third thus defying magazine conventions which normally place cover lines in the the left third. However, I do believe that the cover line being in the right third works well with my individual cover as it is the only feature placed in this section meaning that the viewers eye is drawn to it.

The left third of my magazine cover is reserved for the PUG which is the barcode, the issue number and the price. This is placed in this section so that the main image is not detracted from by chaotic placement of the information.

The semiotic elements of my cover include both the mask, black clothing and the vintage camera. The mask are used so that the audience can associate the name of the band, 'The Bandits', and their image. The vintage camera implies that the band are creative and possibly that they incorporate retro ideas into their music. The connotation of wearing a mask and black clothing is that the band are mysterious and and interesting. On the other hand black clothing is also a symbolic staple in the indie, rock and metal music scene which would allow a reader to assume that the theme of the 'INDIE' is indie rock.

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